Saturday, December 26, 2009

Aditya's love with Cars....Rovers!!!

Apart from his interests towards space and in general Science, Aditya has been a great lover of automobiles.  You can see his head turn swiftly whenever he spots a modern car in the Pune streets (which is quite common these days). 

Last week while driving towards the city, he literally made me stop our car (a Honda City) to look at a brand new white Jaguar.  (Even today he feels that I should have bought a Honda Civic)

"Wow Appa!!!! one day I would own such a stylish car!!"  you can hear him say this very often.

Then the conversation revolved around some more brands of cars that he was familiar with.  Ferrari, Merc, Audi, Volkswagen, Honda...etc.,

"Which car would like to drive when you become old enough to buy cars?" I asked.  Aditya calmly replied "A Rover".  I was little thrilled by the answer.  The reason was simple...he had never spotted a Rover in Pune.  Not to my knowledge....I don't even remember he talking about Rovers in the past.  I vaguely remember that we together watched a program in the Nat Geo on someone taking an expedition in a Land Rover on a frozen icy surface.  I thought that he had probably seen one on his way to his school.

"A Rover??" I chuckled...."Why would you buy a car which you really do not know anything about?"

" see it is designed to move over the rocks...tough terrains and in a low gravity atmosphere..." he said.

"Are you talking about riding the Rover up in the Himalayas....? but you will experience only pressure variations but not really much of a change in the Gravity....(These days I feel that I've too little knowledge on these subjects...too old for answering Science questions asked by Aditya....I'm competing with my son..)

"Dad! I'm not going to ride the Rover in earth" he replied.

"What?" I turned back...

"I'll be riding my faaaaaaaaavourite Rover on the rocky terrains of the Moon, it's not a Land's a Moon Rover"

Epilogue:  This was quite interesting.  He is 8 years now and is already crazy about space, rockets, rocket boosters, Black Holes, NASA, Chandrayan...dead stars...exploring the galaxies etc.,  Meera and I have been realizing that he is having a very deep quest for space and I wish that one day he will be able to follow his dreams.  Whatever it takes.. we are completely determined to nurture and support him, after all thats the least that we can do as parents.  Lets see how far this goes.....

Our love towards our Son is growing day by day as we think about this...

- Meera and Kannan

Monday, December 07, 2009

Why should you not say Sorry!!

7-Dec-2009 9.30 PM (I was in the middle of some very important office work at home)

Aditya:  Appa! I have a question?

Me: Yes Aditya!

Aditya: Why do we say sorry?

Me:  Well! when you do something wrong, hurt someone or dropped something....or broke something....then you feel really really apologetic about that act.... and say "Sorry!"

Aditya: ....and it also means that you wont repeat that again....

Me: Yes! thats a good understanding...

Aditya:  Well then I think for one act we are expected to say sorry but we never stop doing that again! so...whenever you do that you don't have to say sorry!!!

Me:  mmm....I don't think there is anything like that...whenever you say sorry you should realize the mistake and you should stop doing that again

Aditya: No...for this thing we can't stop doing that again...

Me:  Aditya! keep it simple and quick...Appa is working...

Aditya: Yes Appa...all human beings and animals expell gas (he actually said f??t) and it is quite natural....

....and we are expected to say sorry......or excuse me...

...........but can we really stop that... even if we were apologetic?

Me: ??????

Note:  I din't felt embarassed by this question....My son is growing and let me really get prepared to face him.  Its getting really tough these days.  Anyone to feel sorry about me?  Experienced Dads!!! can you share your experiences?