Friday, June 25, 2010

Its Confession Time....

12-Jun-2010, Saturday, 11.00 PM

I was going through Aditya's school Diary (quite unusual though - its usually taken care by Meera) and found a note written by his class teacher "Dear Parents, Please come and meet me on 12-Jun-2010 at around 9.00 am"

"Meera how did you miss this note?" I sprang from the couch
"Which one?" Meera was little puzzled.

We conveniently forgot to check his diary neither did Aditya mention anything about it.  The entire Saturday went like any other weekend, we got up late went to Ramesh's home and reached home late at night.

I get jittery whenever I see a note like this.  This time with no subject mentioned I was waiting for the nightmare.  "Looks like I have to start the court martial tonight...." thought to myself.

"Aditya, can you explain" Meera and I asked this in a chorus

Aditya gave a 'completely surprised' and 'confused' look (an uncharacteristic behaviour that is ironically typical all the time)

"I did not read this note at all Appa..." he said

"Why do you think the teacher would have asked us to meet her....? did anything go wrong in the school?" I asked with concern.

"Nothing happened yesterday Appa" another standard reply from my sincere son.

"Did anything go wrong during the 'week'?"

I always know that this is not the best way of parenting, suspecting and doubting my son's behavior at school.  But in the past there were few occasions when Aditya did not share few 'interesting' stories with us but were ultimately narrated by his class teachers.  The experience wasn't that great.  This added to the problem.  My gut feel said something went wrong.

"Did you argue with the teacher? Did you trouble any other class mates? Tell me what really happened?" the questions poured.

"Nooo....nothing like that...I didnt trouble so much"

"Aditya! take a break, in next two minutes I want you to think about this and come back to me and confess...the punishment is going to be less if you tell us before we hear from the teacher"

I left the room and after 2 minutes Aditya came closer to me hesitantly and said

"I think I did a mistake"

"mmm...see Meera, I suspected this...Go ahead"

"Actually one of my friends and I both jumped through the window to get into the class yesterday"

'This doesn't seem like a problem...."but did you do that when the class was going on?'

"No Appa, first Jay did, and I followed him"

"Answer my question!!! was the class going on at that time"

"No Appa, it was the free period and we just felt like going into the class like 'that'"

"I don't think this is the problem... think for another 2 minutes and come back to me.  This time I want the real truth"  it was Meera who said that

After two minutes....

"mm...I think I argued with the teacher once...." huh! here comes the real one, we thought


"She is very strict always"


"I wanted to ask a question and was not getting her attention and was continuously calling her..."


"she did not pay any attention..."


"I broke one of my friends pencil tip...."


I did not put back my books in the shelf....
.....the confessions continued....

"I think thats why she wrote this note" finally concluded Aditya. 

It started as a small lightenting and then came the thunder and the heavier thunder bolt, followed by a heavy shower of advices.  I finished and then Meera did the rest of the job... Hmm...when are we going to have a relief...both looked at each other with worry lines on our foreheads.

Later that night we wrote a note to the teacher to meet her on the coming week. 

The court finally was adjourned....Aditya was sent to the bed...with a sentence "No Television+No access to computer games" till we meet the teacher.

25-Jun-2010, 4.00 pm.

I was in the office and got a call from Home.  It was Aditya...."Appa, I have a good news for you and me both" sounded victorious

"Whats that Aditya...did you get any stars at school?"

"No Appa, I found the reason why my class teacher wanted to meet Mom and you"

"Alright...what was the reason?"

"Well...actually she doesn't want to meet you..."

"Why did she write that note" I asked

"She actually wanted to talk about the piled up class work during my extended vacation, She did not appear to be angry with me...and I don't think she is going to complain anything about me tomorrow"

"Well thats a good news...." I felt relieved

"Can I watch Ben-10 now?" asked my sweetest Son.

Epilogue:  Later that day Meera and I talked about the court proceedings(?) and laughed at ourselves.  We could only think about the confessions made by Melmen, the giraffe, when the plane was going down in the 'Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa' movie.  Finally it was found that Aditya did all the silly confessions assuming that they were all 'mistakes'.  He had been behaving very well in the school and there was nothing to worry about it.  He had to go through this 2 week long punishment even after confessing the silliest of all the mistakes that he did in his school.  Aren't we great parents?

Teachers..please write the reasons if you want to meet the parents....this will avoid all such interesting 'episodes' at homes after the school.  Are you listening....???

- Guilty Parents.