Thursday, September 24, 2009

Aditya loves small and slow pets.. :)

This is the third month Aditya has been asking me to bring a pet for him.  It all started with an advertisement shown in the television in which a little boy affectionately picks a green caterpillar falls off from a basket of green peas. 

Few months back when we went to visit one of my colleagues home we met a beautiful 3 months old 'Shadow' a black Labby.  Aditya fell in love with it....

Another time... another pup Laika.....the passion for pets has been growing in him.

Yesterday he was reading a story for his sister from the Tim and Topsy series about a black and white rabbit with the name 'Wiggle'. He expressed his desire to have a pet again....

He also has a name for his pet 'William...'

Though I too love pets I wanted to be little practical with him.

I told him how difficult it is to bring up a dog in an apartment...."You must take care of it needs food on time...water on time....then need to be bathed...cleaned...taken out for a walk...taken to the vet for regular checkups for fleas....might have to jog and run with it so that it is fit all the time.....have to feed it good and healthy food and also meat.......we can't do that since we don't eat meat at home....we can't go out anywhere without them....someone must take care of it all the time ................and its really note easy to bring them up"

He said..."No Appa! you don't have to do all these things...its easy to take care of it and will never leave us...."

Huh! its never been easy with my son any time....I was little tired and called Meera to make him understand.

She too tried.....but Aditya was very calm and continued "You don't have to bath them...." they are always clean.

Another round of explanation and it wasn't leading us to a conclusion.

Finally Aditya said...."I think you got everything wrong....and I'm not referring to a Dog....!"

Meera and I were confused and were still looking at him...."What kind of pet are you referring to.....?"

Aditya said "A Tortoise!!!!! - see you don't have to bath it because its always in the water.....(wasn't that a turtle??) you don't have to walk or run with it....its always fit(??), no need to maintain its fleas meat.....and can never leave our home.

Does anyone know whether anyone sells tortoise as pets in Pune?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!

Date : 23-Sep-2009

Time : 8.30 PM

Moment : Aditya has just returned from his friend Sudharshan's Birthday Party

Me : Hello Aditya! how was the party!

Aditya : Great Appa! Wished Sudharshan....Enjoyed the party a lot...had some cakes, wafers and chocolates...

Me: I see....Well, did you give him the gift? Did he like the idea of Book Vouchers?

Aditya : Yes I think, He would buy some books from the store

With some hesitation Aditya said "Appa! I think Sudharshan is lucky"

Me : (Beginning of a trouble :() What makes you think that way Aditya?

Aditya : He has got a Cool Computer gaming package which has around 80 games in it....all of them are really cool...there are even Spider man, Batman, Superman games in it (Hanuman???)

Me : Thats good - why did you say he was lucky?

With a pause Aditya said "I don't have it...."

Me : Not everything in the world can be owned by have some cool toys that he doesn't have and since you are friends you can always share your toys

Aditya : But I still think he is Lucky!

Me : Aditya! stop comparing with someone who has something more than you have....remember the street children at The University Junction....they don't have money or even proper clothes, but you have a lot of them.  Don't you think you are lucky too?

Aditya : But I still think Sudharshan is Lucky Appa....

I gave him some more examples to convince that he was also Lucky.... This was going on.....for some more time....and this time (for a change) he wanted to close the discussion first...

"Appa! Well.....I'm convinced that I'm Lucky too.....but...,,I think Sudharshan is VERY LUCKY!!!!!"

I was speechless for some time....