Tuesday, October 06, 2009

How does our brain know when to have a baby?

Date : 5-Oct-2009

Aditya : 8 years and 1 month old

Meera came to me couple of days ago and said that Aditya had asked her when parents would decide to have a baby.  She was terrified by the question and without further complicating she had told him that a baby is born after their marriage.

He came to me in the morning,

Aditya: Appa I've a question! can I ask you?

A question from Aditya? nothing new....I was anyhow ready to face the battle.....

Me:  What is it?

Aditya:  "Mom said babies are born after the marriage"

Me: Yeah... well not quite so.....but she was right!

he continued...

Aditya: "How does the brain know that someone is married and then tells the body to produce a baby?"

Anyhow I'm not going to write what I said to my son....its a looong story.

The concept of babies is extremely fascinating for everyone and at the same time very much confusing for the children during their early ages.  While growing they quickly graduate from those "little blabberings" to "What's" to "How's" to "Whys" in their mind and their ability to reason is what makes them really lovable, unique and interesting.  My son is not an exception :)


I really would like to share what happened yesterday,

He came to me and said "Appa now I'm very clear about how babies are born after marriage (he had also learnt it through a book called "The Young Scientist"), humans decide when to get married, we invite our friends and family, we take pictures and all of us know about the marriage but tell me one thing, how do animals know that they are married...."

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