Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ear up or ear side???

Moment: Meera was asking (preaching??) Aditya to assist her in folding his clothes.  As usual he was not in this world...dreaming??? Possibly.

Meera: Aditya! Can’t you see Amma doing all this chores on her own? Why don't you help me?

Aditya: ......

Meera: A..d..itya!!!

Aditya: mmmm.....

Meera: Did you hear what I said?

Aditya: MMMMmmmm...

Meera: Ok...! What have you decided? Are you going to help me?

Aditya: Amma....I have a question?

Meera: What!

Aditya: I've a question related to Animals

Meera: Go ahead! Make it quick!

Aditya: Why do some animals have their ears pointing upwards and some towards their sides?

Meera: m...ha...Well....let me think? (Not an easy one???)

Even Aditya (after this question) started thinking about this....there was a brief pause in the room (brains at work??)

After few minutes...

Aditya: Mom!!!! I think I know the answer!!

Meera: ....continues to think

Aditya: I think God has produced all Herbivorous animals with their ears pointed upwards, because they have to hear all sides and should be able to turn the ears like a dish antenna. When a lion comes near them silently they should be getting ready to run.....but carnivorous animals..... They needn't have to be that they have it on their sides.

With wide opened mouth and just been enlightened by the answer...Meera..couldn't help herself but to hug this little think master.

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