Tuesday, June 23, 2009


My son often gets lost in his thought process and that has put him (us too) in trouble many times. We always have to remind him that he should stop thinking and move on. Today morning he was sitting in the 'thinking pot' :)....guess what!! and you are right.....and as usual 'lost' in his thought process. I was standing next to him and harvesting the last night's growth (i meant shaving... :)) then suddenly he 'sneezed'. Immediately I said 'GoBechU' (@ our home we used to say this whenever kids sneeze and that has over a period of time become a standard word uttered whenever anybody sneezes anywhere, even in the New york city ha...ha...) I was expecting a 'thank you appa' as a reply from him and he dint say anything (he was thinking!!!). After a while I continued and said 'Aditya you should always thank others when they say 'God Bless you!' whenever you sneeze. He came back to normal (while still thinking about something....) after few seconds and said very reluctantly a 'Ok'. I continued and said 'Well! lets do this again....I'm going to say GoBechU and I wanted you to say 'Thank you' and said 'GoBechU' this time even louder. To my surprise (I thought I expected this) Aditya kept quite and started looking me as if nothing happened.

My temperment rose a little bit and asked 'How can you not say 'thank you' when I said 'GoBechU' even after that little lecture from me?'

He took a pause and quitely said 'I did not sneeze this time'

Oh! GoBechMe!!!!

1 comment:

shalu said...

he is too much :))... proves he is ur son :P